Here are some other prototypes and side-projects we have made. All from spontaneous ideas to game jams. We test different mechanics and experiences along the way. Everything from different movement options, procedural terrain generation, real time mesh generation, cross platform (symmetrical and asymmetrical) and exploration within advanced audio playback utilizing several binaural and ambisonic emitters to emphasize the players place in the world.

Feel free to try them out to get a feel of how we develop our experiences!


PolterGuys is the result of a 48-hour media jam and differs from what we usually do as it is played on flatscreen instead of in VR. It is a game about having simple and dumb fun as a ghost; trying to scare of a band of bratty teenagers from invading your beloved and haunted house.


In this prototype we explored different options for movement in VR as well as procedural terrain generation. Take to the skies as you swing yourself around to explore this endless, broken world.


With this game we explored and examined how a narrative can be affected by transmedial asymmetrical gameplay. It explores communication between players and the choices they make with differing agendas. In this short two player experience you explore an ancient cave and progress the story differently depending on the choices that are made.

Mundus Subterraneus

Mundus Subterraneus is a short experience that explores a dystopian scenario of rising sea levels. Through speculative and critical design we aimed to create an immersive, telling and somewhat excessive experience with the goal to make people ask the question “what if?”. If you have a fear of drowning in deep seas maybe stay away from this one.